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Cuadro24 is a Latin American film company based in Lima, Peru, which develops, produces and finances feature films and fiction series. Founded in 2013, our mission is to produce world-changing stories with commercially acclaimed, global films that stand the test of time.

Featured Movies

Short film "Paradoja," directed by Carlos Alagón and produced by Cuadro24.
"Volver" - Cortometraje
Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-07 a la(s) 01.00.34.png
Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-07 a la(s) 00.51.19.png

Why make movies with us?

Because for us the average is a failed formula y  success is not an option, but an ethical responsibility to which we are faithful.  Therefore, we have the stories that will be part of the global culture, generating business for our partners in the meantime.  

We house professionals from different specialties to obtain a global film product with knowledge of audiences and markets. We have been creating diverse stories aimed at a large audience for more than 10 years, that experience supports us to make the cinema we want.

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