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Terminos y condiciones de uso

The following terms and conditions govern the binding contractual relationship between individuals accessing the CUADRO24 website from any country worldwide (as defined below) or using any of the services related to strategy, creativity, and production of audiovisual content, video networks, digital ads, YouTube videos, brand entertainment, documentaries, testimonial videos, educational videos, product videos, brand videos, video blogs, podcasts, corporate videos, video clips, creation of content pieces, or accessing any content or material published on the CUADRO24 website. The website is provided by CUADRO24 SAC, a legal entity duly constituted under the laws of the city of Lima in Peru (hereinafter "CUADRO24"), whose main address is Av. Pérez Aranibar 1180, Time Building, Office 702, Lima - Peru.


The WEBSITE is made available to Users to access the services offered by CUADRO24. By accessing the WEBSITE, the user fully and unconditionally accepts these terms and conditions and any additional terms and conditions that CUADRO24 publishes, as well as their eventual amendments, additions, modifications, which will be informed whenever they are changed, through the means that CUADRO24 considers pertinent for this purpose (email, text message, or any known or to-be-known means). If the User does not agree with the conditions of these terms and conditions in their entirety, they cannot and should not use the WEBSITE. CUADRO24 has the authority and autonomy to unilaterally modify these terms and conditions. It is the sole responsibility of users to periodically review these terms and conditions and be aware of any amendments, additions, or modifications made by CUADRO24.

The User may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, grant licenses, store, create derivative works, disclose, assign, sell, or otherwise commercially exploit any information, software, products, or services that are part of the WEBSITE, whether owned by CUADRO24 or its Clients. It is clarified that this prohibition does not cover the result of the services.


The conditions established here govern the legal relationship that arises between Users and CUADRO24 for the use of the Platform and the services made available to them, which are as follows:

(A) CUADRO24: Service for the creation and production of audiovisual content for digital media, television channels, indoor or outdoor screens, vehicles, billboards, or the medium selected by the client.

The Client will have the right to assistance from CUADRO24 throughout the entire process of strategy, creation, and production of audiovisual content and will be responsible for the quality, in accordance with the guidelines given and agreed upon together with the client.

(B) CUADRO24 services are made available to Clients to place orders for Audiovisual Content in the following formats and their subcategories, or any other formats that CUADRO24 offers on the Website:

Developing strategy and creativity, as well as producing videos for clients, in their pre-production, production, and post-production stages, including videos recorded with cameras, in-studio, on location, with talent casting, announcers, motion graphics, 2D animation, 3D animation, audio, music, or photography.

(C) Videos for Social Networks and websites

CUADRO24's video production service for Social Networks consists of: (a) video creation and production services for posts on social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo, and other digital platforms; (b) post-production services and design of posts on social networks that may include the use of images or videos from files, video recording, creation of animated images, infographics, and other elements. All this work will be done according to the client's request.

(D) Advertising Videos, Product Videos, Entertainment Videos for Brands, Documentaries, Testimonial Videos, for Television and Digital

The service of producing Advertising Videos, Product Videos, Entertainment Videos for Brands, Documentaries, Testimonial Videos, for Television and Digital media includes:

(a) creation and production services of videos, commercials, entertainment videos for television, national public channels, national private channels, regional cable channels, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo, and other digital platforms, as well as alternative media such as cinemas or external and internal screens in public and private places;

(b) post-production services and graphic design of posts in comprehensive media that may include the use of images or videos from files, video recording, creation of animated images, infographics, and other elements. All this work will be done according to the client's request.

(E) Corporate Videos

The CUADRO24 video production service for internal use by companies or clients consists of:

(I) creation and production services of videos for publications on client intranets, internal screens, internal client emails, and on their social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and corporate websites.

(II) post-production services and design of posts on social networks that may include the use of images or videos from files, video recording, creation of animated images, infographics, and other elements. All this work will be done according to the client's request.

(F) Music Videos

The CUADRO24 music video production service will be for the exclusive use of the artist or legal representative or company related to the artist, including:

(1) creation and production services of music videos for social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube, Vimeo, and internet pages, television, and other indoor and outdoor alternative media,

(2) post-production services and design of posts on social networks that may include the use of images or videos from files, video recording, creation of animated images, infographics, and other elements. All this work will be done according to the client's request.

(G) Video Blog

The CUADRO24 video blog production service will be for the exclusive use of the artist, journalist, or individual of natural or corporate or business character, which includes:

(a) creation and production services of the Video Blog, social networks such as Youtube, Vimeo, LinkedIn, and internet pages, and other alternative media indoors and outdoors,

(b) post-production services and design of video blogs that may make use of images or videos from files, video recording, creation of animated images, infographics, and other elements. All this work will be done according to the client's request.

(H) Podcast

The CUADRO24 podcast production service will be for the exclusive use of the artist, journalist, or individual of natural or corporate and business character, which includes:

(a) creation and production services of the podcast, for social networks and channels such as Spotify, Apple, Google, among other platforms and alternative media that the client will select according to their media plan

(b) post-production voice recording services. audio

(c) locutors can be used or the client themselves will use their own voice, as well as guests, musicians for the creation of original music or stock music with rights or for free. All this work will be done according to the client's request.


The User may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, store, create derivative works, disclose, assign, sell, or commercially use any information, software, products or services that are part of the Website, whether owned by CUADRO24, Clients, or other Users.

All content on the WEBSITE, including but not limited to photographs, texts, drawings, trademarks, music, software, technical developments, designs, images, and in general all property protected by intellectual property rights, image rights, and/or domain rights (the "Materials") provided to be viewed, used, or downloaded through the Platform, other than those developed under the Services, belong and will belong to CUADRO24 or to third parties authorized by CUADRO24 to include them on the website. The User declares to know and accept that they have no right over the Materials and that the use they make of them must always be for private non-commercial use, not violating the legitimate uses of intellectual property rights.

The User may not reproduce, disassemble, decompile and/or use reverse engineering techniques on the Website. All Materials are protected by laws and provisions of international treaties on intellectual property rights. Through these terms and conditions, the User is clearly and directly informed that the Materials are protected by national and international regulations on intellectual property rights, so the User accepts that any use they make of the Materials outside of the legitimate uses of intellectual property rights is in bad faith, with the manifest intention of harming CUADRO24 or a third party and obtaining a benefit for themselves or for a third party thereby.

If the User infringes the intellectual property rights of another person, or if CUADRO24 receives information about a possible infringement of third-party rights, CUADRO24 will be entitled to pursue compensation for the damages caused to CUADRO24 as a result of the infringement.

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